2013 Medica Germany

2013 Medica Germany

2013 Medica Germany

2013 Medica Germany

MEDICA is the world's largest event for the medical sector. For more than 40 years it has been firmly established on every expert's calendar.

05 Jul, 2013 廣鎬企業
  • 展期: 2013/11/20 ~ 11/23
  • 摊位编号: E145

Welcome to MEDICA 2013!

Be part of the No.1!
MEDICA - Here is where the medical sector meets.

115.000 m² of floor space, 4,500 exhibitors from 70 countries, 17 exhibitor halls, 5 exhibition areas, 6 forums, 5 congresses and one visitor at the center of attention: You!

In addition to the professional trade fair our "MEDICA Conferences and Forums" have become an integral part of the trade fair: the re-structured MEDICA EDUCATION CONFERENCE (the largest interdisciplinary forum of Germany), the German Hospital Conference (the leading communication platform for decision-makers in German hospitals), the EUROPEAN HEALTHCARE CONFERENCE (EHC) as wel as the new MEDICA SPORTS & MEDICINE CONFERENCE and the 1st International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine (DiMiMED).

Five forums and several special shows on varied medical-technological topics are concisely presented in the halls as an attractive complement to the trade fair.

展会相关网站: www.medica-tradefair.com


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廣鎬企業有限公司是台湾一家专业在医疗耗材业的制造服务商. 成立于西元1998年并拥有超过16年的呼吸器, 喉镜, 喉罩, 麻醉面罩, 气管插管, CPR 面罩, 氧气面罩, 呼吸治疗产品,扩阴器, 喷雾罐, CPAD 面罩, 抽痰器, 鼻管, 中空口咽通气道, 非中空口咽通气道制造经验,廣鎬总是可以达到客户各种品质的要求.